Thursday, January 13, 2011

no panic in florence. everything will be ok.

spent a couple of days (and nights)in florence pitti where trussardi celebrated their 100 years in the making.
milan vukmirovic homaged dante trussardi with an almost entirely leather collection while massiliamo gioni presented a resumè of 8 years of fondazione nicola trussardi exhibits and events in milan.

Firenze struggle to keep up with its past had clearly marked a new high with the isle of pigs while pitti people seemed to enjoy the celebration of an Italian family.

Rinascimento or contemporary ruins. what's best really?

florence is fancy with all its amazing proletarian signs, house secrets and botteghe

eventually at night we chose the trashy option reaching a new low at club twice where tacky is the rule..

no panic! you know that everything will be ok.