Monday, October 31, 2011


                                             hardcore's not dead! fuck yeahhhhhh!! AWAKE!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Don't fade Away

Luigi Presicce comes from shadow and captures the sacred and the mystics.
No need for a punctual critique or yet another humble reading. These are images of the enchanted self.
No need to question if that jodorowsky is the real man or just a clone. 
thanks just the same luigi. and thanks a lot to mirko, too. marselleria is the new black. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Anna Calvi in Milan

We've been waiting for almost one year. And she came home where we learnt she can only speak "pochino italiano" but she can sing and play guitar as few. A splendid gig once again offered by Uovo Festival.
this is and unreleased cover!