Tuesday, November 22, 2011


there is nothing better than being a supreme genius and live your life and art as you and only few might feel and understand. in the history of music there have been some huge mistakes by critics and fans alike. here is a selection of some the most amazing bands that never went mainstream. thanks LORD (maybe!?)

some bands are classified to be seminal but this is a special seminal chapter. post rock? where does it come from? Spiderland is surely one of the places to refer to and how do you feel after listening to this great band? was it the death of rock? or just the new beginning? amazing..


What if pop music had started in the 90's from a los angeles chicana? what if Hope Sandoval would had faded into nothingness? she is still rocking..for sure but the second album " so tonight that I might see" was truly a sensational act of love and despair.